電影解說 韓國 2013 2.0分
主演:黃寶羅,Tak Tu-In,Kim Joon-ho
導演:Jang Kwon-ho
入庫更新時間:2024-06-23 23:46:45
由Jang Kwon-ho導演執導的《靈異導航[電影解說]》,自2013年上映以來獲得不錯的口碑,是由黃寶羅,Tak Tu-In,Kim Joon-ho等主演的一部不錯的韓語解說。
One spring day when the autumn colors had filled, three members of the movie club suddenly decide to borrow a senior's car and take a trip to an isolated village in Mountain Nae-jang. Being the first trip there, they get lost a little and witness a terrible accident but picked up a navigation device nearby. The kind voice on the device leads them to there destination but they end up somewhere they never expected. They decide to take a break and find a piece of flat stone to grill some meat on but realized the stone was a gravestone and run away in their car. Their tragedy starts when someone jumps out from nowhere and is hit by their car...光棍影院祝您觀影愉快,如果你有其他意見或建議歡迎留言反饋【點擊留言反饋】,平臺管理員不定期回復朋友們的信息,謝謝合作!